The UK Visa Application Centers in Turkey reopens on June 23
As of June 23, Adana, Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Gaziantep and Bursa application centers are opening, according to the British Embassy’s Twitter account.
It has announced that online application systems have been opened on TLS Contact website and appointments can be made from 23 June.
The worldwide response to COVID-19 continues to affect the UK’s Visa and Immigration Service. Some UK Visa Application locations are resuming services where local restrictions allow, including in Turkey. +
— British Embassy (@UKinTurkey) June 11, 2020
Türkiye’deki İngiltere Vize Başvuru Merkezleri 23 Haziran’da tekrar açılıyor
İngiltere Büyükelçiliği’nin Twitter hesabından yapmış olduğu açıklamaya göre 23 Haziran tarihi itibariyle Adana, Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Gaziantep and Bursa başvuru merkezleri açılıyor.
TLS Contact web sitesinden Online başvuru sistemlerinin açıldığını ve 23 Haziran’dan itibaren randevu alınabileceğini duyurdu.