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The Hidden Gift of Menopause by Sarah Davison Events

  • Event date: 04/11/2020
  • Event end: 04/11/2020

THE HIDDEN GIFT OF MENOPAUSE: How to escape menopause misery without synthetic hormones.

About this Event

…So that you don’t have to put your body at risk of unpleasant side effects, or longterm health threats. And will no longer have to worry about how your symptoms are affecting your performance at work, or your relationships at home.

In this tutorial you will discover…

The basic, but little-know facts & stats about menopause, perimenopause & post-menopause, including the 49 possible symptoms

How our culture’s attitude to menopause makes it all the more challenging for women

The hidden gift of menopause as an opportunity for positive transformation

The hidden saboteur of perimenopause

Organ weaknesses & lifestyle factors that can exacerbate symptoms

Why self-prescribing herbs like Black Cohosh and Red Clover is not the easy way to get your life back (and the much easier method that really allows you to feel like yourself again)

How if you are struggling with insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, or low mood, you can forget about taking antidepressants or sleeping pills, or going part-time at work

Instead you will learn how you can regain your vitality, your physical and emotional wellbeing, and your ability to sleep…naturally

The approach that is great even if you’ve already tried a natural approach and it didn’t work; and will also work even if you are feeling hopeless and think that nothing can help you

And that’s just the beginning…

Natural Menopause Wellbeing Expert Sarah Davison’s interactive talk on menopause will raise awareness, reassure & reframe this transition, which is still shrouded in taboo and ignorance. This talk is for everyone, not just women also for their partners.

To learn more about Sarah, visit

We will share more information soon about Sarah’s special “Natural Menopause Transformation Programme” starting 25th November 2020.

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